Information about my work as a Labour Councillor for East Finchley in the London Borough of Barnet

Monday 17 December 2012

Hi, We're Capita...

Hello, I'm Capita, and you're going to be dependent on me for the next 15 years...

Sadly for Barnet, after the failure of the business management committee to refer the NSCSO contract back to Cabinet, It seems we could end up being run by Capita. I hope the judicial reviews are successful, but if not then there will be a very swift transition towards being integrated into the Capita Borg.

And it seems there will be no time for democracy- the timetable says that they will start on transition from April Fools day next year and be ready by December, so they will be making their big fat profits fairly quickly.

The grubby process that has gotten us to this lamentable point has not been robust. Councillors were given just a week to read the papers, with no time to submit written questions and get written answers for a 2,500 page contract. we were given a few hours before the meeting to see the contract. I don't believe that was enough time to do my job.

If there is a silver lining, it is that people now really know what this arrogant and out of touch administration is like. The opposition to them is getting stronger and more capable, and there ought to be a lot of worried Tory Councillors.

But there is still the DRS contract, and you canstill donate or volunteer your time to campaign against one Barnet by signing up to the better Barnet campaign.