Information about my work as a Labour Councillor for East Finchley in the London Borough of Barnet

Wednesday 21 November 2012

I'm proud to be a Governor at Friern Barnet School

Before I was elected to be a Councillor, my main contribution to the community was as an LEA Governor at Friern Barnet School. I love the school, and I think we achieved a huge amount in the last few years. The Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team, the Chair of Governors, the staff and the pupils make this a great local school. The Arts focus is very much welcomed even by a relative philistine such as I, and winning the prestigious Jack Petchey award for the glee club last year was a major achievement.

Today there was a Governor's day, where we Governors spent the day at the school, talking to staff and students. I was, as usual, hugely impressed with both. I spoke to a range of students, and I was pleased to hear how much they like being at the school and how good they think the school is. They were a very articulate group of students, and I hope they will all go far in life.

As the maths faculty link governor, I was really impressed with the department, and the level of achievement in the last year has been phenomenal. I observed a lesson and couldn't believe the stark differences between teaching now and when I was at school 10 years ago. Vast improvements to the quality of teaching, and the engagement of pupils in the lesson.

We sat in with the student parliament, and helped them come up with some ideas for anti-bullying week. Again, they are an innovative bunch!

As a thank you, a cross section of year groups did various performances, all of which were absolutely excellent, particularly the dancers.

I think any visitor to the school would see why the school is now rated outstanding by OFSTED, and how and why the school achieve so much in attainment for the students. I can only wish them further success in the future, and I hope to stay as a Governor there for some time to come.