Tomorrow I will be at the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee in Camden Town Hall. This is an important meeting where health matters relating to Barnet, Enfield, Haringey, Islington and Camden are discussed. Barnet are represented by Cllr Alison Cornelius, Cllr Graham Old and Cllr Barry Rawlings. It's a cross party delegation, who work well together. I go as an observer, and the meeting is open to the public. Having read the papers, it is important for me to actually go,as I couldn't understand a word of the papers! They really must work on the management gobbledegook and acronyms. Can be very hard to understand papers if written for an audience intimate with the details already, but horror for members of the public.
After that, the follow up film to "A tale of two Barnets" will be showing at the Phoenix cinema in East Finchley from 5.30. "The billion pound gamble" is a film about One Barnet, and I hope to be there in time to see it.